Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Customer Relationship Management in the University Essay

Customer Relationship Management in the University - Essay Example There are frequent meetings that are always held to ensure that emerging issues are solved amicably to avoid problems that may arise between the organization and the students.The university leadership is always keen on the needs of the students and quick decision-making on matters that affect both students and the staffs is always a priority. The customer relationship management applied in the university provides the opportunity to develop and preserve the relationship between the students and the rest of stakeholders of the university. The application of CRM has made the university to be unique and emerged the best among its competitors. Sharing of helpful information with the students on how the institution can nurture and place us for victory in the coming days is important to all students.The frequent communication with parents concerning students’ performance is also another way that my university implements customer relationship management. The outcome of the communicati on has been positive since students are retained while many are recruited. Apart from communicating with parents, the university is also in frequent contact with the alumnae that has enable the institution get donations from different donors, hence the continuous development of the university. The rules and regulations of the University have been given to students to ensure that all students follow the policies of the institution. There are better ways that the university applies in disciplining the students with indiscipline cases.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Use of Humour in Ligeti's Le Grand Macabre Essay

Use of Humour in Ligeti's Le Grand Macabre - Essay Example Ligeti uses parody throughout the opera, as well as related techniques such as 'quotation, distorted quotation, ... and pastiche' (Searby, 2010, p.171). This parody is combined with the mixture of 'a number of contrasting musical elements' as diverse as flamenco, a church hymn, and ragtime to further undercut the seriousness of the music (Searby, 2010, p.71). Ultimately the effect of these musical techniques is a kind of incongruity which makes listeners laugh as they struggle to make sense of the mixed-together styles. Additionally, the parody of more serious works invites listeners to compare the opera to those other works as they listen. Outside of musical parody and pastiche, a good deal of the humor comes from the 'scenario of the opera itself,' which is very 'heavy-handed' and comes in a 'fast, sort of manic fashion'. The scenario, which focuses among other things on people who want to have sex constantly and someone who wants to destroy the world, is clearly humorous, even if it is not a happy kind of humor. As John Morreall points out, two of the things which make us laugh are incongruity or the unexpected, and ' feelings of superiority over other people'. One example of both kinds of humor, complete with heavy-handedness, in Le Grand Macabre is how the astronomer's wife asks for a good lover and is then killed because the sex she gets from Nekrotzar is so rough. While this should not really be funny, it is funny because we can feel superior to her and also do not expect sex to lead to death.